Mee-Make - Product Customization Software
Mee-Make Product Customization Tool
Mee-Make is pour product customization platform. With just a few clicks, Mee-Make lets you create unique designs with simple, easy to use tools like stickers, patterns, photos, text, or pens and spray cans for freehand drawings.
Mee-Make designs are template-based. You can start with a blank canvas if you wish – but for most people this is the biggest hurdle in customisation.
What to design? Will it look good? That’s why Mee-Make offers ready-made design templates that can be freely altered. Change the colours, move, rotate, resize, add, delete – Mee-Make gives you the choice.
Mee-Make is programmed in HTML5 and runs on desktops as well as on tablets. It is also available as kiosk and native app versions for mobile.
you can see it in action here:
atomic ski customizer
or here:
skateboard customisation tool